1.1. The controller of personal data is:

the manufacturing and trading company

Pásky s.r.o.

VAT-Nr. CZ26136686

with registered office at Křižíkova 237/36a, 186 00 Prague 8,

registered in the trade register kept by Prague municipal court, section C, file no. 73442

(hereinafter “the seller”)

Contact Details:

Pásky s.r.o.

Production 1, Administration

Pásky s.r.o.  (areal BigBox)
Ve Žlíbku 1800/77 - Hall A7
Prague 9 - Horní Počernice

tel.: +420 281 000 017


1.2. The buyer or the interested person, who is a natural person, acknowledges that in order for his order or offer to be realised, it is necessary for the following personal data to be retained by the seller (and further provided to other subjects for the purposes of performing the contract of purchase): name, surname, tax ID (IČO), registered office/principal place of business, or domicile, VAT number (DIČ), email address and telephone number (hereinafter the “personal data”).

1.3. The seller undertakes to protect the personal data and to provide them to third persons only in the scope necessary for the purposes of realisation of the rights and obligations ensuing from the contract of purchase made between the seller and the buyer, for the purposes of meeting his legal obligations and for the purposes of his legitimate interests. In this scope, consent of the buyer is not required for personal data processing.

1.4. Personal data will be retained by the seller for a necessary period of time, which usually reaches the length of the period for applying rights from faulty performance, that is 24 months from taking over the goods, or the period of existence of the client account of the buyer.

1.5. The seller is entitled, in keeping with the respective stipulations of legal regulations (Act on certain information society services) to use the email address for the purposes of disseminating commercial communication relating to his products and services and other information about its products and services. The buyer always has the option of refusing the sending of commercial communication upon reception of every individual commercial message or piece of information.

1.6. Other recipients of personal data of the buyer will be exclusively forwarding companies and other subjects, which participate in the supply of goods or realisation of payments based on the contract of purchase made between the buyer and the seller. The seller does not intend to transfer personal data to countries outside the EU or to international organisations.

1.7. All personal information acquired by the seller is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner, which ensures due security, so as to prevent unauthorised access to personal data, their alteration or destruction.

1.8. Personal data are processed either in electronic form in an automated way or in printed form in a non-automated way.

1.9. The seller has no appointed data protection officer.


2.1. The buyer or the interested person as the data subject has a right to demand from the seller to enable him to access his personal data or to restrict their processing, under conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council).

2.2. The buyer or the interested person also has a right, under the conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation, to rectification or deletion of his personal data, a right to raise an objection to processing of the data and a right to portability of his personal data.

2.3. In case the buyer supposes that his personal data are processed in disagreement with the General Data Protection Regulation, he has a right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, that is the Office for Personal Data Protection, residing at Praha 7, Pplk. Sochora 27, tel. +420 234 665 444, email address: , website:

2.4. The buyer or the interested person is not obliged to provide the personal data. Without their provision, though, entering into a contract of purchase and performing this contract purchase on the side of the seller is not possible.


3.1. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers, which the seller transfers to the hard disc of the buyer by means of a web browser. Every cookie is unique and enables the website to remember things such as login information or the content of the shopping basket.

3.2. In case of all common browsers, it is possible to adjust cookies setup to one's own requirements. Cookies can be rejected in the setup of the browser, or it is possible to permit the use of only some cookies.

3.3. However, it is possible that the refusal or restriction of the use of cookies will result in the inability to send the calculation on printed tapes or to order goods in the seller's e-shop.

Last update on 1 March 2023

Pásky s.r.o.